14-54 Residency 企画:個展「もしも私が死んだら」

In the Event of My Death

14-54 presents In the Event of My Death, the first solo exhibition in Japan by Norway-based artist Malin Lin Nordström.

There is one way into this world, but many ways to leave it. Funerals are the occasion for avoiding people or holding parties, for fighting or having sexual orgies, for weeping or laughing, in a thousand different combinations. Death rituals can be performed in many ways from the most simple act of deportment in solitude to the engagement of large masses of people in laborious and creative festivities.

In this exploration of death as a rite of passage, the artist builds her own funeral ceremony in the intersection between secular and spiritual rituals in contemporary Sweden, Taiwan, and Japan. You are welcome to join this funeral rehearsal and celebration of life.

Exhibition opening: Friday 29 June 18:00 (Ceremony starts at 18:30)
Also open: Saturday 10:00–16:00 & Sunday 10:00–16:00





会期・日時:  6月29日(金)18:30 〜 7月1日(日)16:00


Malin Lin Nordstrom

Malin Lin Nordström (b. 1984) is a multidisciplinary artist from Sweden/Taiwan who is currently based in Tromsø, Norway. She works in a range of media, including performance, installation, and video. In her work, she explores rituals and spirituality, and how these can be understood and applied in a contemporary, secular context.

In the Event of My Death is the result of a three-week residency at 14-54.





